Oooh, oooh! What has Slasha left under the tree this year? Here are all the fics, in order by recipient.
recipient | title | pairing | author |
_nienor_niniel_ | The Way It's Supposed To Be | Elijah/Sean Astin | coffeewordangel |
_simbelmyne_ | Dizzy | Dom/Billy | hobbitgwen |
_slowly_dying | Taking Chances | Orlando/Dom | fly_meaway |
anyothergirl415 | The Trouble With Rumnog | Elijah/Orlando | shanalle |
app1e_pi | The Missing Ties | Dom/Billy | silentnumbsmoke |
cathybites | Isolated | AU, Viggo/Sean Bean | thalassatx |
chaosmanor | For Want of a Bean | Orlando/Viggo/Sean Bean/Ian McKellan | _nienor_niniel_ |
coffeewordangel | In The Dark | AU, Dom/Orlando | anyothergirl415 |
cupidsbow | Best of Me | Elijah/Orlando | _slowly_dying |
dizzydame | This Time Around (the Sun) | Billy/Dom | app1e_pi |
empy | Tête-à-tête | Marton/Sean Bean, Viggo | nessa_t |
enchantresse | Who Is Watching the Watchers? | AU, Orlando/Sean Bean, Viggo | chaosmanor |
flusteredspeech | Drama Queens | AU, Billy/Dom, Elijah/Orlando, Ian/Tobey, Liv/Billy, Dom/Bean, Ian/Billy/Orlando | valerienne |
fly_meaway | Everything You Ever Wanted | Dom/Elijah | overloved |
herm42 | Tinsel Tricks | Elijah/Orlando | ladymoonray |
heroically | Between Friends | Billy/Dom | dizzydame |
hobbitgwen | Wager | Dom/Billy/Viggo | kaydee falls |
honeyandvinegar | Summary Intent | Elijah/Karl | kiltsandlollies |
i_o_r_h_a_e_l | Sgraffito | Viggo/Elijah, Ian/Elijah | trianne |
jira_rd | Essential | Dom/Billy | pippinspeach |
jocondite | Scavengers | Elijah, Dom, Billy, Orlando, Viggo | honeyandvinegar |
kaydeefalls | A Grown-up Love Story | Dom/Elijah | tuuli1109 |
kiltsandlollies | Worse Than That | Dom/Billy | eyebrowofdoom |
kyuuketsukiri | Corners and Rhythms | Dom/Elijah, Elijah/Orlando, Orlando/Dom | jocondite |
ladymoonray | Just Because | Karl/Sean Bean | cathybites |
mimm_ | A Cure for Insomnia | Orlando/Craig | telesilla |
nessa_t | They're More Like Guidelines, Anyway | Sean Bean/Viggo, Bean/Orlando | heroically |
ocko_okate | A State of Mind | AU, Viggo/Orlando, Dom/Billy | flusteredspeech |
often_adamanta | Never Let You Go | Orlando/Elijah | jira_rd |
often_adamanta | Making It | AU, Orlando/Elijah | trianne |
overloved | Birthday Presence | Billy/Dom | ripsgirl |
pippinspeach | Hit Me Baby One More Time | Dom/Elijah | kyuuketsukirui |
queenbitter | Catching Up | Viggo/Sean | empy |
rawiyaparand | Morning | Billy/Dom | mimm_ |
ripsgirl | Mincemeat, Sugarplums, and the Tinned Duck | Billy/Elijah, Billy/Dom (sort of) | azrhiaz |
saklani2 | Interchangable Hobbits | Viggo/Dom, Viggo/Billy | wbearsmom |
sassywitch | Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine | Billy/Dom, mentions of Ali and Evi | rawiyaparand (deleted journal?) |
scots_in_kilts | Ghosts of Christmas Past | Billy/Dom | queenbitter |
silentnumbsmoke | Christmas Snow | Billy/Dom | scots_in_kilts |
shanalle | Picture Perfect | AU, Billy/Orlando | valerienne |
slashfairy | A Delivery for Christmas | Karl/Viggo/Orlando | ocko_okate |
telesilla | On the Road to Nowhere | Viggo/Bean/Orlando | chaosmanor |
thalassatx | The Pain of Being an Artist | Viggo, Bean/Orlando | enchanteresse |
trianne | Hitchhiker | Viggo/Elijah | saklani2 |
tuuli109 | Everybody Does Ellijah | Dom/Elijah, (mention of Elijah/Orlando) | waqaychay |
valerienne | Second Starts | Billy/Dom | sassywitch |
waqaychay | Aperture | Billy/Dom/Elijah | kiltsandlollies |
wbearsmom | En Mexico: a leaf in the wind | Billy, Dom | slashfairy |
slashababy dropout | the pictures in your skin | Orlando/Elijah | often_adamanta |
slashababy dropout | Something Real | Billy/Dom | _simbelmyne_ |
slashababy dropout | Untitled | Elijah/Dom | herm42 |
slashababy dropout | Hindsight | Elijah/Dom | cupidsbow |