Sekrit Slasha

Slasha, Baby is the LOTR RPS Fanfiction holiday fic exchange. This story depicts real-life public figures engaged in completely fictional, false and untrue activities. It never happened. This story is a work of fantasy and satire which in no way professes to express the truth about the life, thoughts, feelings, desires, opinions, beliefs, activities or sexual orientation of any person mentioned herein.

Oooh, oooh! What has Slasha left under the tree this year? Here are all the fics, in order by recipient.

recipient title pairing author
_nienor_niniel_ The Way It's Supposed To Be Elijah/Sean Astin coffeewordangel
_simbelmyne_ Dizzy Dom/Billy hobbitgwen
_slowly_dying Taking Chances Orlando/Dom fly_meaway
anyothergirl415 The Trouble With Rumnog Elijah/Orlando shanalle
app1e_pi The Missing Ties Dom/Billy silentnumbsmoke
cathybites Isolated AU, Viggo/Sean Bean thalassatx
chaosmanor For Want of a Bean Orlando/Viggo/Sean Bean/Ian McKellan _nienor_niniel_
coffeewordangel In The Dark AU, Dom/Orlando anyothergirl415
cupidsbow Best of Me Elijah/Orlando _slowly_dying
dizzydame This Time Around (the Sun) Billy/Dom app1e_pi
empy Tête-à-tête Marton/Sean Bean, Viggo nessa_t
enchantresse Who Is Watching the Watchers? AU, Orlando/Sean Bean, Viggo chaosmanor  
flusteredspeech Drama Queens AU, Billy/Dom, Elijah/Orlando, Ian/Tobey, Liv/Billy, Dom/Bean, Ian/Billy/Orlando valerienne
fly_meaway Everything You Ever Wanted Dom/Elijah overloved
herm42 Tinsel Tricks Elijah/Orlando ladymoonray
heroically Between Friends Billy/Dom dizzydame
hobbitgwen Wager Dom/Billy/Viggo kaydee falls
honeyandvinegar Summary Intent Elijah/Karl kiltsandlollies
i_o_r_h_a_e_l Sgraffito Viggo/Elijah, Ian/Elijah trianne
jira_rd Essential Dom/Billy pippinspeach
jocondite Scavengers Elijah, Dom, Billy, Orlando, Viggo honeyandvinegar
kaydeefalls A Grown-up Love Story Dom/Elijah tuuli1109
kiltsandlollies Worse Than That Dom/Billy eyebrowofdoom
kyuuketsukiri Corners and Rhythms Dom/Elijah, Elijah/Orlando, Orlando/Dom jocondite
ladymoonray Just Because Karl/Sean Bean cathybites
mimm_ A Cure for Insomnia Orlando/Craig telesilla
nessa_t They're More Like Guidelines, Anyway Sean Bean/Viggo, Bean/Orlando heroically
ocko_okate A State of Mind AU, Viggo/Orlando, Dom/Billy flusteredspeech
often_adamanta Never Let You Go Orlando/Elijah jira_rd
often_adamanta Making It AU, Orlando/Elijah trianne
overloved Birthday Presence Billy/Dom ripsgirl
pippinspeach Hit Me Baby One More Time Dom/Elijah kyuuketsukirui
queenbitter Catching Up Viggo/Sean empy
rawiyaparand Morning Billy/Dom mimm_
ripsgirl Mincemeat, Sugarplums, and the Tinned Duck Billy/Elijah, Billy/Dom (sort of) azrhiaz
saklani2 Interchangable Hobbits Viggo/Dom, Viggo/Billy wbearsmom
sassywitch Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine Billy/Dom, mentions of Ali and Evi rawiyaparand (deleted journal?)
scots_in_kilts Ghosts of Christmas Past Billy/Dom queenbitter
silentnumbsmoke Christmas Snow Billy/Dom scots_in_kilts
shanalle Picture Perfect AU, Billy/Orlando valerienne
slashfairy A Delivery for Christmas Karl/Viggo/Orlando ocko_okate
telesilla On the Road to Nowhere Viggo/Bean/Orlando chaosmanor
thalassatx The Pain of Being an Artist Viggo, Bean/Orlando enchanteresse
trianne Hitchhiker Viggo/Elijah saklani2
tuuli109 Everybody Does Ellijah Dom/Elijah, (mention of Elijah/Orlando) waqaychay
valerienne Second Starts Billy/Dom sassywitch
waqaychay Aperture Billy/Dom/Elijah kiltsandlollies
wbearsmom En Mexico: a leaf in the wind Billy, Dom slashfairy
slashababy dropout the pictures in your skin Orlando/Elijah often_adamanta
slashababy dropout Something Real Billy/Dom _simbelmyne_
slashababy dropout Untitled Elijah/Dom herm42
slashababy dropout Hindsight Elijah/Dom cupidsbow
slashababy was created by megolas, revised by yueni
fabulous artwork ©2002 by Hope
now moderated by MSilverstar & feelforfaith